Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok, I know I have been slacking off in the crochet department. Well, that isn't really true. I have been working on the scarf for Amanda on Crochetville for the winter scarf swap. Maybe I have bitten off more than I could chew. I took my name off two swaps BUT I was silly enough to join the purse/tote swap. Am I really crazy? Sarah is starting school tomorrow, my husband seems to be doing better but I am still unemployed. I did sign on at a temp agency but who knows where that will lead. I just wish I could just pack things up and move to a place that I know I will have a good paying job, a nice home that the rent is do-able. Things are just not working out as I had hoped they would. Crazy, but I feel like I am slipping away further down into the black hole of depression. Lucky me.


Kellycat said...

My goodness you sound just like me! Try and take a deep breath, and in no time at all everything will fall into place. I'm sure of it. Happens to us all the time.

Unknown said...

Just remember to breathe and take things one day at a time. You can only do what you can. Life will work itself out.