Sunday, July 10, 2005

Hello again! I was in Great Falls this past weekend and I took a peek at the newborn kittens to see how they are doing. We were down to 9 and they are flourishing! I brought with me a crocheted "mama-kitty" and the babies went wild! It was so amazing that they took to this like a duck to water. I had put in about 6 animal nursing bottles inside the "cat". It has velcro on the back so it was easier to get the bottles in and out to fill. Those babies just looked natural on that thing and I felt so proud of myself that I actually had an idea and asked for some suggestions on what to do. Your suggestions really helped and those kittens are getting stronger day by day. I was so excited that I actually came up with an idea to develop my own pattern, that I actually decided to make a mile-a-minute afghan. Turns out, that I might have stumbled on to my very own unique way to make the MAM! I took the idea from a book mark and used three types of yarn, one varigated called Fall Splendor, one green called Cilantro, and a beige color called Vallejo Tan. I purchesed these from Wal-mart in Great Falls and the name of the yarn is Mainstays, the wal-mart brand. So far, I made up 3 strips of each color and have a pretty good idea about how I want to join them so it WILL be my own pattern idea. But most definitely, as soon as I get it finished and get pictures, I will post it on my blog AND at I am so blessed that I can actually feel comfortable enough to express my feeling about crochet on the internet with fellow "hookers" and actually get positive feedback for once. But getting my husband to buy yarn for me is like pulling teeth. He is still non-responsive to my hobby. I think he is non-respectful as well. But I love yarn. Debbie Macomber, the author of A Good Yarn.....states that she has a yarn room!!! I envy her. I feel like I need yarn even though I don't have enough time in the day to work with it but just the security of knowing that its there, is what I am after. I love crochet. My life would be an absolute bore, except for my beautiful daugher. I need yarn! I need more yarn! I yearn for more yarn!

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