Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Today I thought I would just write about crochet patterns. I have several crochet world mags, 3 crochet pattern books, a binder full of patterns that I downloaded off the internet, 2 very old doily books. One might say (especially my husband) that they are worthless junk. Au Contraire, I believe these items to be my textbooks and worksheets into being a creative woman. To people who possess no such imagination view my hobby as a waste of time. I see it as a creative outlet. One that a person can do when they are 1) Lonely
2)Bored out of their mind
3)Nothing on TV is good enough to keep the mind captivated
4)Hit with a creative streak.

Now, I am not trying to brag or anything, but I have made dozens of afghans, doilies, potholders, etc; but I want to keep making them. I had a client who used to knit. She was in her 80's and she told me that knitting is ok for a while. But it really is useless if you have no one to pass it down to. I agree with her to a point. There are countless charities in need of items such as blankets, hats, gloves. So, for those people who say that crocheting is pointless, go down to the local shelter in the winter time, and tell me what you see. Just because someone is making some article that may seem useless to one, in our hearts we know our gifts will be thoroughly appreciated and worn or used to keep someone warm. That is why I collect patterns. Because I know, while I am crocheting, I will be giving a part of myself as a gift to people in need. When I crocheted my daughters afghan, using a size Q hook and three strands of yarn (yellow, pink, light yellow), my husband thought it was a crazy idea to make an afghan for a 3 year old. I kept my mouth shut(which was difficult) and kept working on it. Sarah, patiently watching me work, asked me if that was for her. I told her that it was and it was my hug to her. When it was finished, Sarah's eyes lit up and she smiled and thanked me and proceeded to wrap herself up in the afghan. I brought it back up to Canada (I was in Montana when it was finished), my hubby saw it and immediately put it on the back of the couch. I just looked at him and was wondering what in the world he was doing. He turned around and smiled at me and said that it looks wonderful on the back of the couch, so when he is laying down, he just has to pull it down and cover up. Sarah came over and immediately took the afghan and said "Bad Daddy! This is MY hug. You don't get to use it" and off she went into her room and laid it out on the floor and played with her toys on it. I thought "Good for you Sarah!". So now, I have to make an afghan just for my dd. Will wonders ever cease?


Celeste said...

Good on yah, Mel!

Keep up the good work - it always amazes me when someone says crocheting is a waste of time. Like watching TV is productive? At least when I sit down for an hour I've got something to show for it!

Have your hubby poke through the various crochet blogs and see all the fun things we do with our craft!

I'm so happy your daughter has a special hug from her mom!

sara said...

this is an awesome post!! Sarah will treasure her "hug" I'm sure. I can't believe anyone would think crochet is a waste of time.

I'm glad I found your blog!