Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tonight I am going to be going to a parents orientation for the Co-op school that I am putting my little girl in on the 10th of this month. I need for her to start interacting with children her age. The program is exactly what I want for her. The class room size is only 16 and some idea's are montisorri based and kindergarten like. I like the instructor and how she has set up everything Sarah really liked what she saw, I think. This is going to be about 2 days a week and I think that will help break up her days. I hope she does well in school. I hated math and I hope she can cope with it. Reading, writing and crafts are my thing in life. Oh, one day we were watching PBS and Bob Ross was painting(of course it was a rerun) and I mentioned to Sarah that she could paint like that if she put her mind to it. She got all excited and now she wants to paint like "Rob Boss" What a sweetie!

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