Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ok, this evening, I figured out how many UnFinishedObjects I have going on or formerlly known as WIPs: a mile a minute afghan that I am trying to do on my own without refering to a pattern, the Rose Bower bedspread motifs, a tabletopper for hubby's bedside table. ( I forgot to write that one down on my post at C'ville) Here beside me @ 11 o'clock at night is my sweet little girl. She is waiting for me to go to bed and I have like a zillion and one things to do. I did a mud masque facial on myself, that has to be washed off, I need to finish off the dishes, I hate waking up to dishes in the morning, I have to brush my teeth, I feel like I should crochet, but its been really hot and I am very tired, my husband is home sick tonight and I feel like I should nurse him (I am a Certified Nursing Assistant). Ok, priority number one is to get Sarah in bed. But I know myself, I will zonk out myself. Oh well, that is the way life goes, doesn't it?

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