Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Today I figured it was time for me to just sit and work on my squares for the Random Square Swap. So far, so good. Just now, my little girl just showed me her version of knitting....one knitting needle in the middle of cotton thread. How sweet, huh? Going back to the squares, I have 6 already done up so far, and one of them is of my own design. I have no clue how I did it but its done. 29 squares left to go. I actually got my doily sent off to Maine today and I am looking forward to receiving my doily. My WIPS seem to be getting bigger and bigger. I have an heirloom tabletopper in progress that I making for my dh's bedside table, squares for the swap, a bag along project that I need to get started on, and of course, my very first M A M afghan. Do I sound like I have CADD? Crochet Attention Deficiet Disorder?? Or is it Crocheting Additicts Decision Disorder?? LOL. Who knows, all I care about is crocheting. It really doesn't matter what it is, I just have to do it! Along those lines, I asked my dh to teach me how to knit a dishcloth. He made one up in just under a half an hour. Just add another hobby into the loop. Well, I am going back to Crochetville to be among friends, more later.

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